Family Travel

Explore The Pristine Rainforest Of Corcovado National Park Costarica


The park has been referred to as the most biologically intense place on Earth. With one visit to this lush tropical paradise you’ll understand why it is the best tropical island. It has become one of the top eco-tourism destinations of the planet. Corcovado is home to a plethora of wildlife and the exotic fauna that are unique to the Costarica, for it used to be an island thus species had started to evolve separately until it rejoined the mainland.


Corcovado is home to a very large population of animals including the many endangered species, various types of the monkeys, the jaguars, the ocelots, the tapirs, and the anteaters to name just a few. A plethora of various birds including the resplendent Quetzal and the Red Macaw, amphibians like the Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and of course many reptiles and the insects. Corcovado is very close to the Marino Ballena National Park, which is the best place to watch the whales and the dolphins. The humpback whales use these waters as a mating and the nursery ground. Corcovado functions as a marine sanctuary, protecting coral reefs, lagoons, rivers and estuaries. (image by : Rodolpho Lupus)

Holiday Buzzcity - World travel blog family holiday vacation website - Fauna Explore The Pristine Rainforest Of Corcovado National Park Costarica


Hiking in the Corcovado national park offers a real experience with many hiking trails that you can use, experience the adventure that comes when trekking as you see some wildlife cross before you. Do not go off the trail it might be safe for you.


The Corcovado national park gives you a good chance to sleep in the wild. With many camping destinations around the park you can enjoy your night in the wild as you listen to the movement of the wild. The camping sites are well secured and safe.

Horse riding

Riding horseback through the pristine jungle enables you to explore areas deeper into the wilderness, and higher up the cliffs than would be possible done by foot. The experienced nature guides will lead you up rivers, over trails, and high into the hills. The Unforgettable views of the Drake Bay and the Corcovado National Park at the top of the mountain will make you glad you came for this adventure. Gallop down an empty beach while the surf pounds and the jungle encroaches at the edge of the sand in the Corcovado national park. The horse saddles are made for a comfortable full or a half day’s ride. You’ll enjoy a leisurely lunch by a river while your horse mount crops grass nearby. If you’re a tenderfoot, you can relax your feet in the river and let the cold water run over your feet. We’ll match your riding skill and your experience to just the right horse for the perfect equestrian adventure.(image by : Rob Flood)
Holiday Buzzcity - World travel blog family holiday vacation website - Horse riding Explore The Pristine Rainforest Of Corcovado National Park Costarica

Bird watching

What a better way to relax in an afternoon than bird watching, with thousands of different bird species found in the Corcovado national park bird watching will be an experience and a half. Watch the birds as they go on with day to day activities.

Exploring the Corcovado national park gives you the chance to be in the wild and surrounded with pristine rain forest with different flora. For different exploring adventures book in advance to have the best spot.


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Feature image by : Cameron B

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