Budget Travel

Travel Safely In Madrid, Spain


Located in the heart of the Iberian Peninsula, Madrid is the capital city of Spain. Being inhabited by more than 3 million people, this cosmopolitan city is basked in artistically and culturally rich environment. Madrid is also well-known for its intense artistic and cultural activities along with its amazing nightlife. Truly, it is a versatile city which will definitely satisfy the curiosity and needs of all visitors.

To travel to Madrid from any other European cities or towns, Rail Europe has a huge list of stations from where you can start your trip easily. When you are in Madrid, go ahead and enjoy some of the cultural attractions in the city. Among the most famous museums in Madrid are Reina Sofia, Thyssen-Bornemisza and Elprado.

Below are tips on traveling safely while in Madrid, Spain:


Most seasoned travellers agree that Madrid is one of the many cities in the world that is quite famous for the percentage of pick-pocketing activities. It can happens anywhere around the city and you don’t even notice it. However, most of them occur on the Metro especially during the morning rush where you will meet people bumping and leaning into you from shoulder to shoulder. Be extra careful because you will not feel a thing when it happens. These pick-pocketers are “professionals”.(Image by locodoso)

Holiday Buzzcity www.holidaybuzzcity.com - World travel blog family holiday vacation website - Security Travel Safely In Madrid

Say “No” To ATM/Cash Machine

It’s not that we’re suggesting for you not to withdraw your money from ATM machines when you need it. The truth is, Spanish banks can be pretty confusing where they tend to direct visitors into choosing either “Yes” to a Dynamic Currency Conversion or “No” to the Euro. Whenever you are withdrawing money from the ATM machine, press “No” to receive your money in Euro. This also apply to when you are in shops and paying by cards. They will ask you whether you want your items to be paid in Pound Sterling or in Euro. Just say “No” and pay in Euro.

Do Not Trust Beggars

For some, they don’t really care about these people. But majority of female travelers tend to pity them. However, a lot of beggars in Madrid are not quite honest about their poverty. They tend to come into an outdoor cafe, going from one table to another, speaking in Spanish as they beg money for charity. Most of the staff members of restaurants and cafes in Madrid know these people and don’t be surprised if they are being rude by yelling at this beggars. Some of them are even dressed up in nice sweater and khaki pants, begging for you to feed their children!(Image by José María Mateos)

Holiday Buzzcity www.holidaybuzzcity.com - World travel blog family holiday vacation website -  Beggars Travel Safely In Madrid

Madrid is a very beautiful place to visit and it has a lot of different tourist attractions around the city to be visited. Whenever you are in Madrid, ensure that you always keep your own safety ahead of anything. Just like any other European cities, Madrid is no exception when it comes to pick-pocketing activities and any other crimes. No matter how good a city is being portrayed in media, common sense is a must!


Related post : Stay Safe When Traveling Abroad

Feature image by Fernando López

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