
Skydiving For The Adrenaline Rush


Skydiving is one of the daring things one can do in life, it is unique and can be fun for people in all different ages. This kind of activity meets any adventurist or daredevil’s interest for that exciting adrenaline they always look for. With this activity, people can get over fears that they thought they would never overcome. Whether someone is looking to get some adrenaline pumping in their system or trying out something new skydiving perth will definitely give an unbelievable experience to any that tries it. If it still sounds like a doubtful thing to do or an activity that does not seem like a good one to participate in, then here is a few reasons why it is something that needs to be done at least once in someone’s life.


Anyone interested in skydiving will experience a powerful rush of thrill and be able to see a full 360 degree scenic view for minutes before landing. Riding in a plane, hot air balloon, or helicopter can give the same aspect, but it will not be able to give someone the same feeling of free falling from the sky with the ability of control. Skydiving perth is an exclusive entertainment to one’s own because of the feeling of ecstasy and adrenaline running through their body along while enjoying a beautiful view that no amount of airplane rides or hot air balloons can offer.


Skydiving can be enjoyed by people from all different ages, assuming that each individual does not have heart conditions or any sort of physical disability that can cause some difficulties while participating in the activity. For skydiving starters, the earliest age by law is around 16 – there are some places that hold events for “stimulated skydiving perth” for children ages 10-16 – but it varies with each place that offers the activity. Many families – or group of friends – jump at this opportunity to get their teenagers involved in their usual family vacation trip. The activity is affordable for groups of family mostly because places will offer discounts for groups instead of individuals. There are also numerous instruction companies that will offer discounts for groups who need to take the basic course for skydiving – this is usually needed if a person is planning on participating in the activity solely without being attached to a trainer.


For people who have tried out skydiving, many end up taking it further and actually start to enroll in the official sport. Freestyle skydiving is a sport that allows people to compete by doing acrobatic tricks and be judged based on how complex each move was made. There are many exciting areas all over the world where this sport is held. The best part about it is that anyone can start slow and can remain that way for as long as they wish until they are ready to take the next step.


When participating in this activity, it makes one focus on the flight down and it forces all the stresses of everything below in the back of the mind. This offers the participator mental and physical relief as they are free falling and enjoying the scenic view all around them. Aside from the stress relief, it will give someone the confidence they need to overcome certain fears and will make them mentally strong once they have experienced free falling with control.


As it was mentioned earlier, skydiving can be enjoyable for people in different ages. There have been reports of adventurous skydivers that included a 92 year old man with artificial knees, weighed 105 pounds, and had a hearing aid that jumped at 3,500 feet solo. Another included a woman who was 90 years old that went skydiving at 12,000 feet for her birthday. If that does not do justice for how skydiving can be a great adrenaline rush for elderly people, there was a 4 year old child who went tandem jumping – when a participator is harnessed to a skydive trainer – from 10,000 feet.


Skydiving is not just an adventurous activity, it is also a major part of the military. The first airborne warfare started in 1918 and the 1st infantry in line was the first to try out the skydiving technique jumping out from a bomber to land in the city of Metz. There have been instances where pilots have had to leap out of their planes to save themselves from a plane malfunction – freefalling and using their parachute to land.


If solo diving is not something that sounds good, then having a group of co-workers or friends to dive with is possible. Many businesses take up the discount offers for their employees and use them as a get together adventure in midair. Weddings, anniversaries, and marriage proposals have also been done by skydiving perth. Numerous packages are available for both groups and individuals – group packages are usually offered better discounts. Overtime if the same group of people participate in skydiving, they will eventually learn how to do formations in the sky like the all-female skydiving group that set the world record for making the largest formation containing 181 female skydivers.

About the author

Southern Skydivers offers tandem skydiving experiences just 2 hours south of Perth over the spectaular Margaret River wine region with views of the WA coast.

Visit our website today at

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