Traveling might keep you away from shower for some days especially if you are commuting in buses or trains that have to stick to their water tight schedules. This creates a need for one to keep their body hygiene at par with their standards especially now that you wont be having regular showers.
Here are some ideas that will actually help you keep your hygiene in check
Clean clothing
Clothes are not only part and parcel of your grooming but also health hygiene. Clothes keep you safe and help you stay healthy always, for this reason you have to keep your clothes neat and clean. Before traveling ensure that you iron most of your clothes, ironing kills all germs in clothes and any pests that maybe in the clothes too. Ensure that every day, you change your clothes in order to stay healthy hygienic and neat
The fact that you won’t have a complete body shower doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t wash, clean your teeth every day, preferably twice a day, early in the morning and late in the after your supper. Make this practice mandatory and stick to it. You can also gaggle some mouth wash during the day to keep clean.(image by Iso Bellies).
While you are away from shower it’s important to keep your nails trimmed, you may not realize how fast nails accumulate dirt how identifiable they are but most people check on your nails fast when assessing your cleanliness. Both finger nails and toe nails have to be trimmed and well kempt irrespective of the situation. If possible, keep removing any dirt accumulating on your nails and wash them with clean water.
While traveling it’s every important to note the type of climate and your skin type, a clean face will quickly offset foul breath and dirty hands. While packaging, pack plenty of moisturizers and a lip balm especially if you will be out in the dust or scorching sun. If you will be in cold places, worry less as nature will cover you. Carry a pack of sun block every day, remember to wash your face before you sleep and early in the morning when you wake up. You can also use some facial cleanser to clean your face.
Travel Kit
You must prepare a well packed travel kit any time you are travelling, the kit should comprise of disposable tissues, hand sanitizer, first aid kit and face wash to ensure you remain hygienic especially at times you will be away from showers. These small things can be easily overlooked but in the real sense they will protect you against diseases causing micro organisms. Women should always have a pack of sanitary napkins irrespective of the menstrual cycle’s time.(image by Cristina Robinson).
If possible avoid public toilets at all cost they are just but breeding grounds for germs and viruses. If you have to use them, consider cleaning the rims of the toilets with sanitized wipes, use a tissue paper to open the toilet’s knob. Remember to always carry your own tissue paper wherever you travel to, you can also consider carrying some disposable soap sheets instead of using the availed liquid soaps at public toilets.
Personal hygiene while traveling is very essential, it will see that you avoid incurring unbudgeted for expenses and at the same time make you enjoy your vacation. You also need not to worry if you will be near a shower or not, these tips will help you prepare and confront every situation with ease.
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Feature image by hugowom