Budget Travel

4 Useful Tips of How to Use a Loan Wisely for Your Travels


Traveling costs money and the idea of traveling can be daunting to many travelers.  Since ever, people fantasied about traveling and exploring new countries and new continents.  As the options of traveling has been increased, so the cost of traveling.  Finding affordable traveling these days become more and more difficult. Getting a great vacation for one or for a family needs a great and smart financial planning.  On one hand, you may save for you such a treat while, on the other, you can borrow the money.   If you do deiced borrow the money, there are several points  to consider so you won’t fall between the cracks.  and even if you decide to go with a loan, from a bank or other, there are several ways for you to save some money for traveling by reducing the day-to-day expenses. Few examples include: reducing or eliminating car usage by walking or taking the bus, reducing power, gas or water bills, cooking at home and avoid going to eat in restaurants, watching a movie a home vs. going to the theater.  Always keep tracking your budget to ensure that you don’t overspend on the things you don’t need.  Some people take a second job for a shot period of time to increase the income. and therefore more saved funds.


So if you go with bank loan, here are several points to consider:

Calculate and estimate the amount needed for your travel 

The factors below should be put into consideration when calculating and estimating your travelling expenses and costs before embarking on the trip.

  • Number of people traveling
  • Where to Go/How Long to Travel
  • Means of transport
  • What type of accommodation and Food you will prefer.
  • All the above factors will enable the traveler to calculate and estimate the traveling cost and be able to borrow a bank loan wisely.  Try to over borrow as you will pay more interest.

Analyze your sources of income as you travel.

Analyzing the amount you can return every month will prevent the situation of late or lack of payments.  Lenders prefer that you earn a reliable income as it indicates that you have regular money coming in and can therefore meet periodic installments to pay back the loan.  The bank has to observe the risk of lending money to a borrower in a stable employment and earning a lot of money or with a stable source of income and would prefer to lend money to people working full-time to a casual employee. One great way to secure more income as you travel is to rent out your house or any property you many own in exchange for steady monthly income. This will secure a steady payments of the loan (image by Chris Smith).

travek money

Make sure you get a bank loan which you can pay back as you travel by trying to take the minimum monthly pay back amount.

This will not only enable you to pay back the loan but also enable you to have enough money as you travel. This will enable the traveler to unwind, be composed and focus on one’s reason or purpose of the trip.


Negotiate the interest rate and compare different type of loans 

Having a squeaky clean financial record can grant you access to a bank loan. However, it may cost you a lot to borrow. Always shop around for the best interest rates and do not rely on your bank simply because you have an account with them as this is not a sufficient reason to pay a higher interest rate. The varying points on an interest rate can translate to a borrower saving a lot of money on loan pay backs. Inquire from your lender whether the interest rate is negotiable or whether raising your credit score by a few points will bring you to down to the next lowly rate. From time to time, a distinction in credit score means a significant difference in your interest rate.

Money and Taxes

Traveling costs money and the idea of traveling can be daunting to many travelers.  Since ever, people fantasied about traveling and exploring new countries and new continents.  As the options of traveling has been increased, so the cost of traveling.  Finding affordable traveling these days become more and more difficult. Getting a great vacation for one or for a family needs a great and smart financial planning.  On one hand, you may save for you such a treat while, on the other, you can borrow the money. Some may even go as far as to use a tax refund estimator for calculating how much they could potentially save at tax time. If you do deiced borrow the money, there are several points  to consider so you won’t fall between the cracks.  and even if you decide to go with a loan, from a bank or other, there are several ways for you to save some money for traveling by reducing the day-to-day expenses (image by 401(K) 2012).


Few examples include: reducing or eliminating car usage by walking or taking the bus, reducing power, gas or water bills, cooking at home and avoid going to eat in restaurants, watching a movie a home vs. going to the theater.  Always keep tracking your budget to ensure that you don’t overspend on the things you don’t need.  Some people take a second job for a shot period of time to increase the income. and therefore more saved funds.

Last but not least, travelers should spend their money wisely as they travel.

There is nothing wrong with borrowing money from a bank, but it is important to be cautious before legally taking on a main loan. Once you borrow a loan, it is added to your credit record and this can result in you being declined a loan in future by lenders. You should never borrow a loan more than you can afford to repay in a given time.


Related post:   Getting the Most Out of Your Money with Car Rental Services

Feature image by Tax Credits


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