Any traveler has an obligation to provide the appropriate first aid care, unlike that on the wall mounted first aid cabinet supplied at work places. If anyone should need medical assistance, having first aid supplied on hand can minimise the effects and increase chances of survival in extreme cases but storing these supplies require some considerations.
The contents and number of first aid kits are determined by the number of staff employed by the company. First aid kits are normally supplied with guidance for the number of people for which it is suitable. A ten person first aid kit should contain around 20 plasters, 2 eye pads, 4 triangular bandages, 6 safety pins, 8 to 10 sterile dressings, 6 alcohol free wipes and a pair of disposable gloves. In comparison a 50 person first aid kit should contain around 60 plasters, 6 eye pads, 8 triangular bandages, 12 safety pins, 12 sterile dressings, 20 alcohol free wipes and 3 pairs of gloves.